Category Archives: Tools

Scraping Robot: “Quality web scraping that you can count on”

Scraping Robot provides a reliable web scraper at a fraction of the cost of other companies. Sign up today to get 5000 free scrapes every month on any website of your choice!

Click any of the buttons below to try a demo of any of our currently offered modules. No sign up or login information required!

Esempio di estrazione gratuita su 5 account Instagram (click to download):

How to Build a Web Scraper for Social Media

In recent years, the act of scraping websites for information has become increasingly relevant. However, along with this increase in interest, the internet has also grown substantially and advances and improvements to websites over the years have in fact made it more difficult to scrape. One key reason for this is that scrapers simply account for a significant portion of the traffic to many websites, and so developers often implement antiscraping measures along with the Robots Exclusion Protocol (robots.txt) to try to stymie this traffic. The popular use of dynamically loaded content – content which loads after user interaction – poses another problem for scrapers. In this paper, we have researched what kinds of issues commonly occur when scraping and crawling websites – more specifically when scraping social media – and how to solve them. In order to understand these issues better and to test solutions, a literature review was performed and design and creation
methods were used to develop a prototype scraper using the frameworks Scrapy and Selenium. We found that automating interaction with dynamic elements worked best to solve the problem of dynamically loaded content. We also theorize that having an artificial random delay when scraping and randomizing intervals between each visit to a website would counteract some of the anti-scraping measures. Another, smaller aspect of our research was the legality and ethicality of scraping. Further thoughts and comments on potential solutions to other issues have also been included.

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Fuel Your Campaign Strategy With Web Scraping

There are many complicated aspects to advertising and PR campaigns that require data to help make informed decisions that hit the mark for the people engaged with your brand or organization. By utilizing data collection tools, your campaign strategy has the power to form itself with your analysis of the data you seek out. 

There is no one-size-fits-all in campaign strategy, so allow yourself to learn how web scraping can help you form your campaign strategy. The table of contents below can help you skip to sections with the information most relevant to you.

Table of Contents

What is artificial intelligence in marketing?  


I recently recorded a five-part Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing series with Kevin Walsh, product manager of machine learning at HubSpot, for HubSpot Academy’s YouTube channel.

Episode 1, What is artificial intelligence in marketing?, went live this week. In this episode, Kevin and I discuss:

  • How would you define artificial intelligence and machine learning?
  • What are some examples of AI at work in our daily lives?
  • What is the role and state of AI in marketing, sales and service technology today?

You can check out the full video here, and be sure to subscribe to HubSpot Academy to be notified when the next episodes go live over the coming month. Here’s a snapshot of the upcoming episodes:

  • Episode 2: How can marketers use artificial intelligence?
  • Episode 3: Will artificial intelligence take my marketing job?
  • Episode 4: What are the ethical concerns of artificial intelligence in marketing?
  • Episode 5: How can marketers get started with artificial intelligence?

Until next time, stay curious and explore AI!

Paul Roetzer

How Should Marketers Get Started with AI?

The short answer is quick-win pilot projects with narrowly defined use cases and high probabilities of success. That’s how you build executive support for the longer term vision and transformation.

From audience targeting, to content strategy, to SEO, media buying, email writing, and predicting conversions and churn, hundreds of activities marketers perform every day will be intelligently automated to some degree in the near future.

When piloting artificial intelligence in your organization, you want to focus on one use case at a time, since AI is built to do very specific tasks. The key is thinking about everything your team does regularly, and then considering two primary factors:

1) The value to intelligently automate all or portions of that activity, with value being defined by potential time and money saved, and the increased probability of achieving business goals.

2) The ability to intelligently automate the activity, based on existing AI tech, or solutions that could be built with the right resources.

Keep in mind, a little bit of AI can go a long way to reducing costs and driving revenue when you have the right data and the right use case. You don’t necessarily need to go from all-manual to fully autonomous in order to see massive returns.

Paul Roetzer

Founder & CEO | Marketing AI Institute & PR 20/20

AI in Advertising: What It Is, How to Use It and Companies to Demo

In 2018, Lexus released what it called the first advertisement scripted by artificial intelligence.Lexus used IBM Watson to analyze 15 years of “car and luxury brand campaigns that have won Cannes Lions awards for creativity, as well as a range of other external data,” according to Variety.

Watson was able to identify which elements from the dataset would resonate with viewers.AI-inspired PR stunt? Most definitely.

Yet it also points to a deeper, more important story:Artificial intelligence is taking over the world of advertising.Artificial intelligence isn’t just creating ads, though commercially available platforms exist that use AI to create ads without human involvement.

No, AI is transforming what is possible in the world of advertising at every level, from ad creation to audience targeting to ad buying.

In this article, we’ll walk through a working definition of AI as it relates to advertising.

Sorgente: AI in Advertising: What It Is, How to Use It and Companies to Demo

L’italiana Buzzoole tra le europee a crescita più rapida con un’IA per gestire l’influencer marketing

Per quanto riguarda le tre campionesse col tricolore, la prima della lista, Buzzoole ha un tasso di crescita triennale del 217,6% e un assoluto del 3104%. L’azienda conta su una piattaforma tecnologica basata sull’Intelligenza Artificiale che permette di gestire, automatizzare e misurare le performance delle campagne di Influencer Marketing.

Sorgente: Classifica Ft: tre aziende italiane tra le europee a crescita più rapida

Youmark: Da Buzzoole una tecnologia data-driven per combattere le frodi nell’Influencer Marketing


Top 25 Use Cases for Marketing Artificial Intelligence

Using our AI Score for Marketers assessment tool, we’ve asked hundreds of professionals to rate the value of intelligently automating more than 60 common AI use cases within the 5Ps of AI framework:

  • Planning: Build intelligent strategies.
  • Production: Create intelligent content.
  • Personalization: Power intelligent consumer experiences.
  • Promotion: Manage intelligent cross-channel and cross-device promotions.
  • Performance: Turn data into intelligence.

Sorgente: Report: Top 25 Use Cases for Marketing Artificial Intelligence